In the coming weeks, our researchers, experts in Shock Physics and specialists in material behaviour and digital calculation will be taking part in several high-profile international conferences:
ECSSMET (European Conference on Spacecraft Structures Materials and Environmental Testing)

Numerical study of submillimetric hypervelocity impacts on honeycomb sandwich structures.
From 27 to 30 September 2016 in Toulouse, France
This international conference dedicated to the behaviour of spacecraft structures is organized every two years and will be held in Toulouse this year. It will be an opportunity for Jérôme Mespoulet and Paul Deconinck from THIOT INGENIERIE to present the results of three recent studies. The first examines the behaviour of a Mars mission return capsule while the other two focus on the hypervelocity impacts of space debris:
- “Crushable TPS – From dynamic characterization of material crash behavior up to tests at scale one.”
- “Development of a Special Hypervelocity Innovative Enhanced Launching Device (SHIELD) for millimeter size hypervelocity impacts between 8 and 12 km/s.”
- “Experimental and numerical study of submillimetric hypervelocity impacts on honeycomb sandwich structures.”
67th Meeting of the ARA (Aeroballistic Range Association)

Copper alloy before and after test.
From 2 to 7 October in Toledo, Spain
This year’s annual meeting of the members of ARA is being held in Toledo, Spain. The ARA is an association of laboratories and research centres that use laboratory launchers. Jérôme Mespoulet and Pierre Héreil (Materials and Structures/Shock Physics R&D) will be giving two presentations during this event:
- “Dynamic behavior of a copper alloy in a large range of strain and strain rate.”
- “Submillimetric hypervelocity impacts : experiments, calculations and ballistic equations.”
DYMAT 2016 (Technical meeting – Experimental testing and modelling of brittle materials at high strain rates) & LWAG (Light Weight Armour Groupe for Defense and Security)

Simulation of an impact on an armor ceramic material.
From 17 to 21 October in Grenoble, France
THIOT INGENIERIE will be attending this technical forum dealing with the dynamic behaviour of materials, with a focus on brittle materials in particular. Paul Deconinck, one of our specialists, will present his work on the dynamic behaviour of ice:
- “Study of the impact behaviour of simulated hailstone.”
At the LWAG conference on ballistic protection, Hakim Abdulhamid will present the results of a study on the dynamic behaviour of ceramic materials:
- “Characterization of ballistic response of an armor ceramic material : experimental tests and numerical modelling.”