Want to join a high-tech company that is a leader in its field, at the cutting edge of innovation? Looking to join enthusiastic teams? Thiot Ingenierie is always on the lookout for new employees with technical and human qualities, able to use their skills in our teams, to learn and commit to our drive for development.

Our areas
- Mechanical design
- Mechanics/Installation
- Behavior of materials
- Instrumentation/Measurements
- Experiments/Tests
- Numerical simulation
- Financial management
- Communication
- Human resources
- Procurement management
Spouse employment
Want to join us? Thiot Ingenierie does all we can to help your spouse find a job. Our company has an effective local network, based on exchanges and mutual aid, to send profiles to many recruitment agents in the Lot and Corrèze areas.

Our current job offers/internships
No job offers at the moment but do not hesitate to send us your spontaneous application!
Latest recruitment
- Management assistant
- Engineer (work/study contract)
- Measurement technician
- Mechanic Engineer
- Technical Sales Engineer
Think your profile might interest us but our current job offers aren’t for you?
Thiot Ingenierie is always looking for new value-added skills and we know how to make the most of a good opportunity. We carefully look at each profile submitted so feel free to send us your speculative application!

Travel throughout the world
We take part in scientific conferences and international trade shows, perform maintenance for our machines with our customers abroad, etc. Our company’s business enables our employees in various areas to travel throughout the world several times a year. This travel is always rewarding and informative.